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What Makes Blind Dates Different From other Dating Apps?

As much as things change, the romantic love of a lifetime continues to be attractive to us, as it brings us emotional well-being. With this statement we do not mean that without a partner you cannot be as happy or happier than being with a partner. The popular proverb already says: “It is better to be alone than in bad company.” But…, what if we could be well and well accompanied? From Blind Dating apps we have the objective of putting in contact people who are looking for this type of love. For this we have designed a method that takes into account the following points:

What makes Blind Dates different from other dating apps

1) We want people who are looking for a stable, sincere and respectful relationship to register.

People go through different stages in our lives and what we want in each of them can be radically different. There are pages for all interests .

2) We offer personalised attention and advice.

We carefully study all the profiles and we only make appointment proposals to those profiles with high compatibility . We contact users whenever we consider it necessary: ​​to expand information, compare data, answer questions… This communication is two-way. Users can contact our team through Dating apps, the e-mail address , whenever they wish.

3) We guarantee confidentiality. – Dating Apps

We do not publish data or photographs of our clients ; thus avoiding the “catalogue” effect and the exposure of their privacy.

4) When we make an appointment proposal we only provide the first name, the age and the town or city of residence.

We do not show photographs because as Oscar Wilde said “There is no second chance to make a good first impression” . A photo cannot convey all that a person really is or all the light that a hopeful person can convey on a carefully prepared first date.

5) Registration is free, but a cost is generated at the time of accepting an appointment proposal. – Dating Apps

The fact that the service is not free plays a fundamental role in limiting access to people with purposes that deviate from the desire to find a stable relationship . The cost is for selection, advice and management. It does not include the price of dinner, which will depend on the chosen restaurant and what is consumed. Our team carefully selects the person with whom you will have the appointment and is in charge of making the reservation in one of our collaborating restaurants.

6)  We create the necessary conditions for love to arise.

We cannot guarantee that the people we contact will fall in love, but we do try to take into account all the details so that, at the very least, they have a pleasant time. This happens by putting like-minded people of comparable beauty in contact . The restaurants where the dates take place also play a fundamental role. Blind Dating apps has the collaboration of more than 30 restaurants distributed throughout Catalonia and Andorra. These establishments have the common denominator of offering a welcoming environment, exquisite treatment and good cuisine. We want to emphasise that there is no financial compensation between Blind Dates and restaurants.

7)  We go from the inside to the outside. – Dating Apps

Most of the Web or applications for the search of relationships offer as cover letter the photographs that the users have provided. This means that, unwittingly, sometimes people fall into a kind of commodification. Doing “next” is very simple and the opportunities come too quickly and unfiltered to some people and almost never to others. We all have the right to be valued and loved for how we are and there is someone suitable for everyone

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